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If you are looking to return or exchange your order, we are here to help! It is possible to return the item within 14 days of purchase. The cost of shipping is your responsibility.

You can return the order for a different product, store credit or a full refund to the original payment method.

Please note the following exceptions to our return and refund policy:

  • Items that were bought on sale are final, and cannot be returned or exchanged.

  • Returned items must be returned in original product packaging.

  • If a returned item is damaged or have visible signs of wear or use, you will not get a full refund, as we would have to sell the product again at a dicounted price. You will be charged for the damage and the price difference.


To initiate a return, please complete the following steps:

  • Please reply to your order confirmation and inform us about which product you would like to return.

  • Print out the return shipping label that you will receive by us on your email.

  • Send the item(s) back to us using the label provided.


Additional Information:

  • The customer will need to pay the shipping fee.

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